The Importance of Social Activities In Aged Care

Entering an aged care facility might mean that a person requires medical care but, setting that aside, they’re always the same person they have always been. It is then important that aged care residents continue to maintain and enjoy more or less the same lifestyle despite being in a new community with new people. Actively participating in meaningful social activities is essential for both their emotional and physical well-being.
In fact, research shows that loneliness and social isolation are health risks to the elderly. It can decrease lifespan and cause depression. If you or a loved one is living or planning on living in aged care home, meaningful activities can be very beneficial. No matter how small, these activities can give you a sense of purpose, give you the opportunity to connect with other residents, and improve physical well-being.
Maintaining independence and forming friendships
No doubt, regular visits from relatives and friends are important in preventing loneliness and social isolation. But it’s also worth noting that residents should create and participate in their own social circles. This is why aged care facilities encourage and support residents’ social needs as well as take into consideration their health. This lessens the hassle of having to find their own entertainment outside the facility.
Having a close group of friends or peers also offers a support system where residents can look out for each other and help new residents cope with the transition of moving to an aged care facility.
Social activities for aged care residents
There are many types of meaningful social activities that aged care residents can participate and enjoy all year round. At Village Glen, we give residents and their families endless opportunities to relax and have a good time. Here are just some of the activities residents can look forward to:
- Play pool while catching a game at Jake’s Sports Bar
- Enrol in Arts and Crafts Classes
- Attend concerts
- Pamper with a massage, haircut, and manicure in our beauty salon
- Lunch with friends and enjoy coffee at the Cafe
- Enjoy a game of mini golf or bocce on the sports green
- Join a “Village Glen Day Out” on one of our many bus trips
- Share a glass of wine in the Cocktail Bar
Looking for the right aged care facility
When considering aged care homes, it’s crucial that you choose one that understands the importance of having social activities. By supporting residents to participate in a social activity, it helps them maintain an active body and mind, as well as provides support and opportunities to engage with other people every day. These activities can make residents feel loved, safe, and included.
Village Glen is co-located with Regis Aged Care who have campuses in both Mornington and Capel Sound on the Mornington Peninsula that provides residents with a steady stream of activities throughout the year. For more information , please call us at 03 5986 4422.